As you can see by my title for todays post, "adventures can be anywhere", it just depends on how you define the word "adventure". Not only can the word be defined as an experience/activity, but it can also mean trying something new. I know todays blog post may not be as exciting as some of the other adventures, but I figured it would be a fun one to post. Plus...I got to take and edit cute picture of yarn.
Today would be day four of being indoors and I needed to do something different and new. I've had a few adventures outside, as we hiked at Red Top Mountain and walked the dogs at the park. However, today I decided to have an "adventure" inside as I tried my hand at crochet. Thankfully I had a basket of yarn with crochet hooks, because at a younger age I had wanted to knit or crochet, but never really did. This was definitely an adventure for me...for some reason I didn't realize that it would take quite so long. I am determined to finish my project, but after today I think it may take much longer than anticipate. I started the project this morning at around 10:45:

I had all of my stuff set up and as you can see on the bottom right of the picture above, I had picked out a few crochet instruction packets. The four I had picked as my projects for today were a pillow case, a blanket, a cup coster, or a hat.
I'm not sure what I was thinking, but I picked a blanket as my project for today. I soon realized that a day would not be long enough to make a blanket. Thankfully I'll have more days ahead to finish it. Yet, I figured that this would be a great practice of patience for me! I never would have done something like this in the past, because I would have started and stopped five minutes in. This time I am determined to finish the project and someday I will say, "I made this blanket during the quarantine of 2020".

Yeah...that took me way longer than I thought. The picture above is what I made within 10:45 and 12:15. Buy hey! Progress!
I did take a break here for lunch and a phone call, then started again around 1:45.

At this point, I was feeling done. I was so finished with this blanket and thought that I may just turn it into a scarf...but like I said before, I really wanted a blanket at the end of this, so I kept going. I didn't take anymore pictures of my progress, but I'll take a picture of the finished product and sneak it into one of my posts after I finish.
Now you might be wondering why I am telling you all this, or why you should even care and I'm about to tell you. So firstly, I know that you all are sitting at home with nothing else to do...but secondly, I feel that there can be something learned from this. This may sound cheesy, but strangely, this crochet project reminded me that life is full of adventures. Our perspective changes everything, especially when it comes to taking the small things and turning them into adventure.
This is something that I've learned in photography, as I often have to have a different perspective when I'm taking photos. There are so many times that clients seem confused when I pick certain locations to take their photograph, yet because of my camera having a different perspective, they love the photos when they come out. City sessions with lots of activity can be changed by placing a client against a wall or having them sit on the steps. Life can look like this as well as we determine what look good or seems fun in our lives.
Adventures can be seen in everything that we do, it doesn't matter what we are doing, we just have to change our perspective to create them into the experience that we want. So just like I change the cameras perspective to get a better photo, I also changed my perspective and realized that crocheting can also be an adventure, because it is a new experience for me. At the end of the day, life is full of adventures and we can chose to take each new experience and enjoy the moment. So I encourage you to all make adventure out of the small things that you do, because adventure make memories and memories last a lifetime!
Well, bye for now!