Hey there friends!
I hope everyone is happy, healthy, and enjoying their time of rest. It was a bit rainy here today, which meant no time outside. This is something that has really helped me get through this season of life. Walking dogs, hiking (like I mentioned in a blog post last week), and just sitting enjoying the sunshine have become things that I love more than anything. I'm not sure about everyone else, but cooking, cleaning, and watching movies can get tiring really quick! I realized very fast that I would need to find things to fill my day.
Oh and if you have been keeping up with my blog posts, you may remember that I had this great idea about crocheting a blanket. Do you remember that one right below?

Well, I had said that I would show my finished product, but I made it about half way and realized that with each row I made, the width of the blanket was getting smaller and smaller. So I ended up with a large, weirdly shaped, triangle. I reconfigured it and somehow managed to turn it into a pillow case (or something that looked somewhat like a pillow case) and stuffed it with a pillow so that my dog could sleep on it. I guess it helped me pass time, so it really wasn't time wasted. I do laugh at myself though...it really is a sad little crocheted pillow case. I wont post a picture of it, as I am trying to save your eyes from such a disaster, but I thought I'd give you an update. Oh well...It was fun anyways!
Now that we have that out of the way, I can get back to todays post. As I mentioned before I took that quick detour, I noticed quickly that I needed to find things to fill may day. So I decided to make a schedule. Nothing that was set "hour to hour", but a list of things that I wanted to get done each day. I am a big "list" person, so this has really helped me stay focused and calm during these days. As of right now, my list looks like this:
* Exercise
* Write a blog post
* Practice vocals
* Go on a walk (if it's nice out)
* Bake a dessert
* Play piano for at least 30 minutes
* Do a Spanish lesson
Now of course, I can do more things during the day, but setting goals, even in this time of "rest" will help me stay organized and motivated. It also helps me feel a since of accomplishment. I try and spend about 15 to 30 minutes on each thing on my list, that way I have time to get everything finished, as well as extra time to do other things I want to do.
Setting goals can be so important in life, especially for those who run small businesses. This quarantine has hit quite a few businesses hard, but if goals are set, things will be fine when we get to the other side. During this time, I have still agreed to do any photo sessions that come my way. The "catch" would be that they have to be outside and the client must be fever free for 48 hours. I have also started booking clients for summer and fall. Doing small things like blogging, updating my website, keeping up with my social media, etc...helps me keep my small business running, even during this time of uncertainty. Setting goals for a small business are just as important as the small goals I have placed on my life at this time. When I do this, I once again can find peace in the moment and I get to enjoy this time of rest, instead of worrying about my business and becoming bored of home life.
This time at home has really showed me that time rushes past us so quickly. It has been nice to focus on the behind the scenes of the business more, as well as spend time with family. We have made quite a few little desserts, played lots of board games, and enjoyed each others company.
I hope everyone else is resting well and enjoying family. If you are feeling stress or need to find activities to do during the day, try writing a list of activities. This will help your mind stay focuses and it will also help you stay calm.
Until next time friends!
Talia :)
(I've put some of my quarantine photos below, so enjoy!)